201 for the 501

The Spring 201 for the 501 Cohort will meet on April 9th, April 23rd, May 7th, and May 21st at the Junior League in Boca Raton.  If you are interested in participating, please provide all requested information and complete an application.

Fields marked with an * are required.

Please verify that you have checked the “I'm not a robot” checkbox.

Please enter your Federal EIN number assigned by the IRS. This is a required field so take a moment and locate it before going further.

In a few words, please tell us what cause or mission your organization serves.

As concisely as possible, tell us how this program will benefit you?

Please tell us how you heard about this program.

Social Media

Download form here.

Then upload completed form or email to education@nonprofitsfirst.org.

20MB max